Author Archives: Katie

Practice Makes Perfect

As I mentioned in my last post, happiness has been on my mind a lot lately and as it turns out, I’m not the only one. Everyone is getting in on the happiness game. Pharrell’s Happy is nominated for an Academy Award and is #1 on the Billboard chart (at least as of 2/19). And, Read More

C’mon Get Happy

I have been fascinated by–and focused on–the idea of happiness lately. Or by the seemingly elusive nature of happiness and all the ways we think about and talk about it: The key to happiness… The secret to happiness… The pursuit of happiness… Money doesn’t buy you happiness… Happiness is a new pair of red, kitten Read More

Define Exceptional

OK, so I’ve been remiss. Actually I have just been absent. I couldn’t get it together. I couldn’t get words on paper. For one, there are too many other smart women out here telling stories, making me laugh, inspiring me. Selling books, going on tour, headlining conferences. I kind of figured “Eh, who needs me/another Read More

Tale of two accidents

Mother of mercy and pass the bacon, we have had a tough night at Casa Chaos. Big F fell off his bike and got “sidewalk rash.” I know it doesn’t have the ring of “road rash” but at least it’s accurate. Big F is rather big on literal interpretations. He doesn’t do metaphors. Anyway, it Read More

Is your refrigerator running? Don’t ask me to catch it.

Apparently three years of stagnation takes a toll on a body.  Apparently muscle definition, core strength, and endurance are not guaranteed when you don’t actually break a sweat for 36 whole months. I learned that lesson the very hard, very unpleasant way this morning. When I went out for a “run.” Here’s the thing: I’m Read More

Only a flesh wound

The thing with pain is that it is subjective. Unless we are talking kidney stones, which are universally known to be The Most Excruciating Pain Known to Man. And I know: I’ve had two. And I’ve been through labor for comparison. Hands down, kidney stones win the Pain Olympics. Other than the kidney stone and Read More

Putting it out there

Have you ever heard the saying that if you want something you need to put it out to the universe? Is that a saying outside of Boulder? Did I just make that up and it is not a saying at all? Do you even know what I’m talking about? Right now you are thinking, oh Read More

40 going on 14. Not in a funny, cute way like that movie.

If I were Alanis Morissette and I was singing about irony in a totally incorrect, nonsensical way, I’d sing about free rides when I’ve already paid and  good advice that I just didn’t take. Then I’d have another chorus all about having wrinkles and zits. At the same time! Isn’t it ironic, dontcha think? A Read More

I love you, sweetheart

Tonight, Big F leaned over, squeezed Middle D and said, “I love you, sweetheart.” And then they snuggled up together on the sofa while I sat next to them with Little L on my lap. And we all watched that insanely insufferable Caillou. What kind of name is Caillou anyway? I mean his sister is Read More

Givin’ Mom Blogs a Bad Name

I have been struggling with all the momma drama on Twitter and among the mom bloggers for a couple of days now. So I am just going to write it all out and I will either hit Publish when I am through, or I will hit Save Draft–where these thoughts will languish as an unpublished Read More

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